Sunday Worship Service at 10AM

Our Sunday worship service will also be live-streamed through YouTube

Connections Coffee: Open 8:30AM - 5 PM, Tues-Thur through the summer!

Faith Formation Summer Events

Vacation Bible School and Conferences for youth and young adults! Young adults and adults are welcome to volunteer in all of them!

Fill Out a Visitor Card

We are a community called to be a tangible display of God’s power in Christ Jesus to bring unity and healing to all dimensions of human life

A tangible display of God’s renewing power

We are a community called to be a tangible display of God’s power in Christ Jesus to bring unity and healing to all dimensions of human life

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New Westminster CRC 70th Anniversary

We celebrated New Westminster CRC's 70th Anniversary in October, 2022. We give thanks to God for his goodness and faithfulness in all those years. As a way to commemorate this milestone, we have commissioned a 70th Anniversary Documentary film that captures not only our past but our hope-filled future!

Our Mission & Ministry Priorities

We are a community called to be a tangible display of God’s power in Christ Jesus to bring unity and healing to all dimensions of human life.

Hospitable Community

As a tangible display of God’s renewing power, we extend His hospitality by: Involving ourselves in the lives and needs of one another and our neighbours. Inviting our neighbours to follow Christ with us. Warmly embracing one another and our neighbours.

Multi-Cultural Community

As a tangible display of God’s power to bring unity, we seek to express the rich diversity of God’s family.

Discipling Community

As a tangible display of God’s restoring power, we establish ministries that will equip all of us to follow Jesus in every area of life.

Praying Community

As a community dependent on God’s empowering presence, we devote ourselves to communal and individual prayer that delights in His presence and persistently petitions Him to act in our world.

Hospitable Community

As a tangible display of God’s renewing power, we extend His hospitality by: Involving ourselves in the lives and needs of one another and our neighbours. Inviting our neighbours to follow Christ with us. Warmly embracing one another and our neighbours.

Discipling Community

As a tangible display of God’s restoring power, we establish ministries that will equip all of us to follow Jesus in every area of life.

Multi-Cultural Community

As a tangible display of God’s power to bring unity, we seek to express the rich diversity of God’s family.

Praying Community

As a community dependent on God’s empowering presence, we devote ourselves to communal and individual prayer that delights in His presence and persistently petitions Him to act in our world.

Upcoming Event

Jul '24

Sunday Worship Service: Summer In the Psalms: “So That All People May Know”

Sunday, 10:00 am

Upcoming Event

Jul '24

Sunday Evening Prayer Meeting

Sunday, 7:00 pm

Upcoming Event

Aug '24

Sunday Worship Service: Dr. Anne Zaki

Sunday, 10:00 am

Upcoming Event

Aug '24

Lord’s Supper Sunday Worship Service: Summer In the Psalms – Psalm 34:1-8

Sunday, 10:00 am

God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

Psalm 46:1


Please click below to listen to our latest weekly Sunday sermons.


“For You Are With Me” (Psalm 23)

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 23

Listen Now

Longing for a New Normal

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 85

Listen Now

Our Eyes Look to the Lord

Summer in the Psalms

Psalm 123

Listen Now

From Prayer to Praise

Prayer: The Most Important Part

1 Chronicles 29:11, Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 52 Q&A 128

Listen Now