Recent Sermons

Our sincere prayer is that as you listen to these sermons you will be touched by the Power, Presence and Person of Christ.

NOTE:  The list below displays the latest sermon preached in a particular sermon series, or sermon group. Use the filters on the right to display by Sermon Series, Date, or Book of the Bible.


“For You Are With Me” (Psalm 23)

Calendar 21 Jul 2024
List Summer in the Psalms
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 23

Longing for a New Normal

Calendar 14 Jul 2024
List Summer in the Psalms
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 85

Our Eyes Look to the Lord

Calendar 07 Jul 2024
List Summer in the Psalms
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 123

From Prayer to Praise

Calendar 30 Jun 2024
List Prayer: The Most Important Part
Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

1 Chronicles 29:11, Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 52 Q&A 128

“To Resist the Enemy”

Calendar 23 Jun 2024
List Prayer: The Most Important Part
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Ephesians 6:10-18; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 52 Q&A 127