Sermon Series “Genesis: From Eden to Eternity – Part 2

From September 2024 to June 2025 (with breaks for Advent and Lent), we will be immersed in the book of Genesis! Why such an extended series on Genesis? “Genesis” literally means “beginning” or “the origin.” As followers of Jesus, it’s vital that we know “the beginning” for at least three reasons. First, Genesis is the beginning of the biblical story and in order to understand the entire biblical story, Exodus to Revelation, it is important that we know Genesis as it sets the table for all that is to come. Second, Genesis answers almost all of our first-order questions: Why are we here? Where did we come from? What does it mean to be human? What is our purpose? What is wrong with our world? etc., and in a culture that is confused on so many of these questions, we do well to know what the Bible says. And, third, knowing the beginning of the biblical story will help us more fully align the unfolding story of our lives with God’s Story, especially as it culminates in the revelation of Jesus Christ.

We encourage you to get more out of this series by joining a small group or Bible study groups that meets to discuss the sermon, share reflections, and pray for one another.

To sign up and/or ask any questions: 


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Advent Series “Living Expectantly for Christ’s Return

This sermon series focuses on Jesus’ second Advent–his soon-expected return. We often focus on the first Advent of Christ during the Advent season–his coming as a baby–but how does his promised return impact our daily living? During this series, we will consider a variety of Bible texts that in some way speak of Christ’s second coming and reflect on how they call us to live with expectations in our daily lives.

Sermon Discussion Guide







Sermon Series “Genesis: From Eden to Eternity – Part 1

Sermon Discussion Guide












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