Book of the Bible: Psalm

“For You Are With Me” (Psalm 23)

Calendar 21 Jul 2024
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 23

Longing for a New Normal

Calendar 14 Jul 2024
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 85

Our Eyes Look to the Lord

Calendar 07 Jul 2024
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 123

You Are a Little Lower Than God… Who, Me?

Calendar 02 Jun 2024
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Beehive Sunday; Psalm 8

To Carry Out God’s Will

Calendar 26 May 2024
Microphone Daniel Choi

Ephesians 4:17-5:2; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 49

“Honouring God in Everything”

Calendar 12 May 2024
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Microphone Student Pastor Sandra Park

Psalm 145; Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 47

국어 통역 – 2024년 5월 12일 (“Honouring God in Everything” Sermon Translation in Korean)

Calendar 12 May 2024
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Microphone Student Pastor Sandra Park

시편 145편; 하이델베르그 요리문답 제 47 주일

A Discipling Community

Calendar 04 Feb 2024
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 145:1-7

God Knows What He is Doing

Calendar 27 Aug 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 138

May All the Peoples Praise You

Calendar 20 Aug 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 67

Righteousness and Peace Kiss Each Other

Calendar 13 Aug 2023
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 85

When I Awake, I Will See Your Face

Calendar 06 Aug 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 17

Direct My Steps According to Your Word

Calendar 30 Jul 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 119:129-136

Pray Until You Pray

Calendar 23 Jul 2023
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 86

Great Is the Lord

Calendar 09 Jul 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 145

Who Is Like You, LORD?

Calendar 02 Jul 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 89

Sorrow Trembles Into Song

Calendar 25 Jun 2023
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 69

The Lord is God

Calendar 18 Jun 2023
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 100

Worship the Lord!

Calendar 09 Oct 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 96:9 Thanksgiving and 70th Anniversary

Happy Are Those Who Fear the Lord

Calendar 28 Aug 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 112

Forget Not All His Benefits

Calendar 21 Aug 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 103

Defend, Uphold, Rescue, Deliver

Calendar 14 Aug 2022
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 82

God’s Unfailing Love is Our Hope

Calendar 07 Aug 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 33

What Money Can’t Buy

Calendar 31 Jul 2022
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 49

Brokenness or Pride: Are You Nearby or Faraway?

Calendar 24 Jul 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 138

Living Close to the Lord

Calendar 17 Jul 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 15

Show Me, Teach Me, Guide Me

Calendar 10 Jul 2022
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 25

Come and See What God Has Done!

Calendar 03 Jul 2022
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 66

The Fall – Part 2: The Personal Nature of Sin

Calendar 07 Nov 2021
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Microphone Rev. Sid Couperus

Psalm 51

The Lord Surrounds His People

Calendar 05 Sep 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 125

God’s Throne Will Last Forever

Calendar 29 Aug 2021
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 45

How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place

Calendar 22 Aug 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 84

The Beginning of Wisdom

Calendar 15 Aug 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 111

I Have a Song

Calendar 08 Aug 2021
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Microphone Rev. Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 130

Have Mercy On Me, O God

Calendar 01 Aug 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 51:1-12

The Fool says, There Is No God

Calendar 25 Jul 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 14

Let Us Go to the House of the Lord!

Calendar 04 Jul 2021
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 122

My Times are in Your Hands

Calendar 27 Dec 2020
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Year End Sermon: Psalm 31:14-17

Sing to the Lord a New Song

Calendar 06 Sep 2020
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Microphone Pastor Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 149

I Love Where Your Glory Dwells

Calendar 30 Aug 2020
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 26

God’s Strong Name is Our Help!

Calendar 23 Aug 2020
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 124

The Place of Commanded Blessing

Calendar 16 Aug 2020
List Psalm
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 133

He Remembers His Covenant

Calendar 09 Aug 2020
List Psalm
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 105

Prayer of the Righteous

Calendar 02 Aug 2020
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Microphone Pastor Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 17

Light that Shines in the Darkness

Calendar 26 Jul 2020
List Psalm
Microphone Pastor Andrew Beunk

Lord's Supper Sunday: Psalm 119:129-136

You Know Me

Calendar 19 Jul 2020
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Psalm 139: 1-12, 23-24

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Calendar 12 Jul 2020
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Microphone Pastor Hyung-Jun Kim

Psalm 65

Crowned With Glory and Honour

Calendar 14 Oct 2019
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Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk

Fed and Filled

Calendar 01 Sep 2019
List Psalm
Microphone Rev. Andrew Beunk