Prioridades Ministeriales

Having gone through a Ministry Planning Process in Jan. – Sept. 2010, we believe these priorities are for this time in our history. During this season of prayerful discernment we sensed that God was leading us to pay special attention to four general areas of ministry; hence, “ministry priorities.” By doing so we do not wish to say that other aspects of congregational life, i.e. worship, preaching, pastoral care, etc., are not a priority. Of course, these ministries and others remain important, but at this time we sense God leading us to focus on these four general areas.

As a church community serving New Westminster, Burnaby, and Surrey, as well as other communities globally, at this time in our history we’ve identified these priorities and so strive to be a:

Comunidad Hospitalaria

As a tangible display of God’s renewing power, we extend His hospitality by:

Involving ourselves in the lives and needs of one another and our neighbours.
Inviting our neighbours to follow Christ with us.
Warmly embracing one another and our neighbours.

Comunidad Multicultural

As a tangible display of God’s power to bring unity, we seek to express the rich diversity of God’s family.

 Comunidad De Discipulado

As a tangible display of God’s restoring power, we establish ministries that will equip all of us to follow Jesus in every area of life.

Comunidad De Oración

As a community dependent on God’s empowering presence, we devote ourselves to communal and individual prayer that delights in His presence and persistently petitions Him to act in our world.